Nintendo have been hitting the front page of many sites and printed media this past week, but for all the wrong reasons. Publicity is expected at this time of year however, with many in the gaming community expecting big news from the company at this years E3.
From Wall Street Journal to pcworld, stories have been run about the latest hacking exploits of Lolzsec (AKA Lulz Security or Laughing out Load at your Security), only weeks after the group was allegedly responsible for many of the Playstation attacks. The group confirmed the attack on Nintendo by posting on the site Pastebin of what is supposedly the Nintendo config file. They followed this up by tweeting “We’re not targeting Nintendo. We like the N64 too much – we sincerely hope Nintendo plugs the gap. This is just for lulz. <3”
Nintendo confirmed the attacks but strongly backed up the news by saying “We are always working to make sure our systems are secure,” and “There were no third-party victims. But it is a fact there was some kind of possible hacking attack,“. This attack coincides with the Nintendo launch of its new online store ‘eShop’ in the US and Japan. The eShop allows 3DS owners to purchase games and download them to the system. No confirmed launch date for Australian 3DS owners as yet.